JROTC Patriot Booster Club forJasper, Plano West, and
Welcome to the JROTC Patriot Booster Club for Jasper, Plano West and Shepton High Schools. Whether you are a coach, a parent or general member, we thank you for the time and energy you spend to ensure that our cadets continue to be enriched by the JROTC programs offered at our schools. These experiences not only provide a fun and healthy outlet for our cadets but also keeps them connected and engaged as they face the challenges of high school years.
The Patriot Booster Club is a non-profit volunteer organization whose purpose is to support the SAI/AI in fulfilling for the cadets, an organized, well-resourced program by allocating baseline funds and volunteers to support key events and initiatives which benefit the cadets and show positive adult collaboration.
We are comprised of parents, staff, and student cadets that support the JROTC programs through volunteering and fundraising activities. Whether you are a long- time supporter or considering your first membership, your support is vital for us to fulfill our mission.
There are many ways you can support our cadets through our Booster Club including Membership, Booster Board positions, volunteering with annual scheduled events, fundraising campaigns supporting scholarships, concession and spirit wear sales and more.
Join us at a Patriot Booster Club membership meeting and let your voice be heard (we currently meet the 4th Monday of the month). Click on our membership application and JOIN us - support our cadets in whatever way you can. Our goal is to reach 100% participation from all student-cadet families.
We live in a wonderful community where our children have opportunities at every level. We want to enhance the spirit and sense of PRIDE at our schools and in our community.
On behalf of the entire Booster Board, we thank you again for your time and commitment to our programs. For further information contact us online.
Here to Serve,
JROTC Patriot Booster Club
Booster Club Bylaws and Standing Rules