New SAI Joining The Wolf Battalion! 


As most of you know, we are excited about the new SAI that is joining Plano West. Although he will be new to the Wolf Battalion, he is in no way new to Plano or to JROTC, and we are thrilled by the experience, mentorship and love of JROTC that he will be bringing our school!! We're sure many schedule updates and activities will be announced in the coming weeks as he digs in to life at Plano West, but in the meantime, we hope that you are all plugged in to the Patriot Booster Club not only for the latest information, but so that we can all work together to support the cadets, activities and programs of the Wolf Battalion. Click Join or Login to become a part of our Booster Club.


Your 2024-2025 Patriot Booster Board

Shannon Ansel, President

Brandi Stevens, Treasurer

Arianna Henderson, VP of Special Events

Nick Camp, VP of Membership

Michael Flanagan, VP of Fundraising

Theresa Stevens, Secretary



Embrace a Growth Mindset


When encountering a setback or unexpected change in life, try to view it as a learning opportunity rather than a failure or a disappointment.


Ask yourself what went wrong, why might it have happened, and what can be learned from the experience. And above all else: ask yourself HOW CAN THINGS BE DIFFERENT NOW?


This reflective approach helps to not only identify areas for improvement and personal growth, but it will give you an open mind on how you can help make things better than ever!




We all know that every student can benefit from membership in JROTC - whether it's through improving their physical fitness, elevating their grades, giving back, building character, learning time management and leadership skills, or preparing for college - so that's why we want your help in getting the word out! To your friends, your social networks, you get the idea. It's an opportunity like no other, and we want more people to know! 


Contrary to popular opinion, JROTC is NOT about going in the military; in fact, only a small percentage of students who participate even choose the military path (roughly 5% nationwide), however, what it does do is incorporate elements of military culture, such as uniforms, drills, and rank structure, to instill discipline, responsibility, and leadership skills that are valuable to all!


All that said: cadets who WANT to enlist post-high school receive a few significant advantages, including higher enlistment rank/pay grade opportunities and access to scholarships in senior ROTC programs not available to non-cadets. 


So whether we have already met your cadet because they are returning for another year, or your son or daughter is kicking the tires about whether they want to join, we assure you this is a team unlike any other ... who welcomes all! We have a lot of exciting things planned for this year and can't wait to see you all again! 





In case you missed our first meeting on August 20, the Patriot Booster Club has our next meeting on October 8th at 7:00pm. We welcome all parents and family members who want to know what we're about -- and who would like to help make the JROTC program at Plano West, Jasper and Shepton the best it can be. All are welcome to join us!! 


Congratulations 2023-2024 cadets!





Congratulations once again for this honor!


Wolves of the West are the Best!!





Behind the Scenes at Our 2024 Military Ball

We'd love to have you join us for the next one!






Buy Our Swag
Show Your Support

We've all seen our cadets develop a sense of pride, camaraderie and confidence in themselves as a result of their affiliation with Plano West JROTC. And while the uniform plays a key part in that -- by showcasing all of their achievements -- they can't wear their uniform every day. 


That's where Wolf Battalion SWAG comes in!


It's the perfect choice for spirit days, football games ... pretty much ANY day they want to show their Wolf Battalion pride! We have a limited assortment of shirts and hoodies right now, with more on the way soon, so be sure and check it out. It's a great way for you to show your pride in them, too! 


Order yours today! 





Plano West Senior High
5601 West Parker Road
Plano, TX 75093
(469) 752-9600


Patriot Booster Club